The following is a short list of business applications for a web

 1. A company/new product news letter can be downloaded to
truly interested readers. (At the same time you get information
about who they are and how to contact them.)

2. Password protected areas can allow business to be conducted
out of the public eye, for instance order taking between
manufacturer and distributors.

(At the same time the rest of your site can give the public a view
of your company that will make your products shine.)

3, Electronic retail has come of age with fully secure order
taking. You can publish and deliver an electronic catalog at a
fraction of the cost of a paper version.

Add customer convenience and the advantage of instant order
taking over the traditional mail method and you see why this
type of site is almost a must have.

4.Take customer surveys, get feed back from your customers
about existing products and services or even pose hypothetical
questions to find out what your customers think about potential
projects before investing in them.

5. Announce and run on-line promotions for new products,
Have contests, Get your customers involved and excited about
your products/services.

6 Provide customer service on-line. It’s cheaper than toll free
phone lines and a large part can be automated.

7.Do customer relations. Provide free downloads of popular free
software. Give free information or advice about your industry or
related topics, make people remember your company when it is
time to buy a product or service that you provide.

8.Communications between distributors and retailers or route
sales people can be very effectively handled via a company web
site with an area restricted to authorized users. Leaving no
excuses for not having seen the memo.

9.We can Add income producing affiliate programs that accent your sites content to generate additional income for you and your company!

Remember this is just the short list! If you want something more
dynamic just ASK !
HOME E-Mail Estimates